International Collaboration

Since the 1990s I have been a visiting professor at four Chilean universities: University of Atacama, Institute of Mining & Water Law; Catholic University Law School; University of Chile, Center for Applied Economics; and Diego Portales University Law School.  (See my CV for details.)  I worked with faculty (led by Prof. Rodrigo Fuster) at Univ. of Chile, Dept. of Environmental Sciences & Renewable Natural Resources, on research and outreach projects about groundwater management in northern Chile during 2011-2015.
In 2020-2021, I worked with a group of U.S. and Chilean lawyers to write a report about the lessons of the U.S. legal doctrine of the public trust for the drafting of the new Constitution in Chile.  The report was published in Spanish and English and we presented it in two public webinars in Chile.
In addition to being an invited speaker at numerous conferences and universities in Spain, I have collaborated in particular with the New Water Culture Foundation (Fundacion Nueva Cultura del Agua), a non-governmental organization that combines policy analysis, academic research, and social activism to reform Spanish water policy (  For example, I worked with people in the Foundation to advise the Spanish Government about water markets and to publish the Spanish translation of my second book, Canto de Sirenas, in 2004.
I was a Fulbright scholar in Mendoza, Argentina, in 2003, where I was a visiting professor at the National University of Cuyo.  I taught a graduate course in water law and economics, and I did research on the history of hydropower development in Argentina and the impacts on hydropower management of privatizing the country’s electricity sector in the 1990s.